Are You Fully Realizing the Benefits of Your Cloud Investment?


As many customers progress in their cloud journeys, the architectural and migration decisions they made, the operational models they use, and the pace of hyperscaler innovation have left them feeling underwhelmed with, or uncertain of, the outcomes of their investments. Ask yourself:

  • Is your cloud spending aligned with your expectations, and is it predictable each month?
  • Have you successfully reduced technical debt and redirected your spending towards innovations that propel your business forward?
  • Are you taking advantage of the soft benefits of cloud adoption, such as flexibility, scalability, availability, and recoverability?
  • Do you have a clear understanding of your cloud security posture and your risk exposure?
  • Are you effectively using your cloud partners to drive innovation and accelerate time to market?

If you found yourself answering "no" to any of these questions, you're not alone. Take our quick self-assessment and get Syntax’s guidance on turning the cloud promise into reality.