Whether you are already an SAP customer or new to the SAP universe, Syntax will provide you with fast, expert and value-for-money support.
Licensing optimisation and migration for existing SAP customers
Alongside the technical challenges of switching to SAP S/4HANA, we are also happy to guide you through the process of changing your licensing situation. When it comes to software licensing, there are four aspects to consider:

User access
Traditional user-based models that categorise users according to type and provide access to the core digital processes.
LoB and industry solutions
Line-of-Business solutions and industry solutions include engines that require separate licensing and activation.
You also need licences for SAP HANA the SAP in-memory database.
Indirect usage/digital access
Whenever non-SAP solutions access SAP S/4HANA, for example when sales orders and purchase orders are created, this constitutes digital access and must also be taken into account.
There are also various ways, or metrics, for measuring usage: in addition to tradition user licences some solutions are licensed according to turnover, data volume (gigabytes), a flat fee or the number of documents.
There are generally two options for existing SAP customers who want to migrate their current SAP licence agreements to the S/4HANA world:
Product Conversion
The simplest route is to purchase “SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management for ERP customers”. For a flat fee of €9,000 when converting to the HANA database (if this has not already been done), it gets you “SAP S/4HANA-ready” from a licensing perspective. Line-of-business and industry solution engines are excluded from this and must be licensed separately. However, if you are already using these solutions and want to move them to S/4HANA you may be able to offset some of the cost.
Contract Conversion
The second option is Contract Conversion, which is possible if you have a large number of unused SAP licences (often referred to as shelfware) or want to use the opportunity to reconfigure your entire SAP licensing situation. It involves completely replacing your existing licence agreements. You could even offset up to 100% of your previous investment.
We will be pleased to help you analyse and collate your future licence requirements and sit down with you to work out whether Product Conversion or Contract Conversion is the best value option for your business.
Cloud Extension Policy
The Cloud Extension Policy allows you to convert part of your SAP on-premises software into native SAP cloud solutions. The Cloud Extension can be applied separately or in combination with a Product Conversion or Contract Conversion. An important consideration, however, is the five-year minimum term for the new cloud agreement. In addition, the new subscription fee for the cloud solutions must be significantly greater than the value of the maintenance that is being replaced by the partial decommissioning of your on-premises software.

Digital access/indirect usage
The ways in which IT systems are used have evolved with technological development and the rise of digitalisation. Already, we are seeing more and more access by third-party systems, bots and machines, as well as from client and supplier systems.
The basic idea behind Digital Access is usage-based licensing for business processes. Whenever a business process is triggered through an indirect access, this is identified by the creation of certain documents.
We will guide you through an assessment and evaluation of the risks, ensuring compliance and designing a future-proof licensing strategy.
Licensing consultation for new SAP customers
You have decided to implement an SAP solution in your company, but purchasing SAP software from scratch is a complex, demanding task. Our role is to help you quickly work out what you need and make the decisions you need when buying SAP licences. As an SAP Value Added Reseller at the highest level of certification (Gold), we are happy to advise you in selecting the correct SAP user types, checking the engines required for your SAP system and explaining the licensing metrics from the SAP price and conditions list. The result will be the optimum user mix for your requirements, taking advantage of the best available conditions. Our many years of expertise in licensing means that we stand with you shoulder-to-shoulder as a trusted advisor. Ask us for an alternative licensing offer!

Reliable SAP system maintenance and tailored SAP support plans
If you are uncertain whether to accept the SAP maintenance offer or jump aboard entirely with your current VAR partner, speak to us first! We provide our SAP customers with ITIL-compliant, highly professional support services from our German offices. As a German systems integrator, SAP SE has awarded us Support Partner Certification for SAP Standard and Enterprise Support (Partner Center of Expertise, PCoE). This means that SAP has recognised our support as meeting its highest quality standards.

Furthermore, Syntax Enterprise Support customers receive additional SAP Premium Support services:
- A personal point of contact for all SAP Support Services
- Access to the ServiceNow central service portal
- Access to the SAP expertise of the Syntax global AMS organisation
- Tool-based licensing optimisation analysis (on request, additional fee applies)
- Annual licence review
We look forward to hearing from you.

RISE with SAP – it’s your choice
With the announcement by SAP CEO Christian Klein on 27 January 2021, SAP now offers an innovative product bundle called “RISE with SAP”, with two alternative cloud deployment options. Customers like you can choose between the SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud (previously known as Essential Edition) and the SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud. Both options include additional cloud solutions such as SAP Asset Intelligence Network, ARIBA Network and Logistic Business Network at no extra cost in the form of starter packages.
SAP’s S/4HANA Cloud products mean that the business software suite is available in Software as a Service (SaaS). The applications run entirely on a platform operated by a hyperscaler, while SAP itself looks after deployment, basis operation and system updates. As your partner, we handle all of the required implementation and Application Management Services (AMS).
In SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud, updates and enhanced industry-specific core functions are provided every quarter, so that customers have the fastest possible access to innovations as they come online. This reduces the effort needed by the customer to operate an ERP environment by a considerable amount. Since this version of the cloud implementation has little in the way of configuration options, it is especially recommended for customers that can align their business processes with best practices and quickly start taking advantage of SAP’s latest innovations.
We will be happy to guide you in selecting the right deployment model for your business.