Sustainability and Governance

Today, it is not just the quality and price of products and services that matters, but also the conditions under which they are created. Companies must show responsibility towards society and the environment.

What is important to us

As a company, we want to make our own contribution to society and the environment. As an IT service provider, we focus on energy efficiency, CO2 compensation and the promotion of social projects, as well as providing the best possible conditions for our employees. This is facilitated by the implementation of internal and external regulations (Code of Conduct), numerous CSR projects, participation in the “Global Compact” initiative of the United Nations, and certifications. Our commitment is founded on four pillars.

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Corporate Governance

  • Compliance
  • Preventing corruption and bribery
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Employee Experience

  • Work and health protection
  • Personal development
  • Diversity and equal opportunities / Inclusion
  • Work-Life-Balance
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Sustainability and Environment

  • Energy efficient IT
  • Environmental standards
  • Mobility (“Green Fleet”)
  • Sustainability among suppliers, customers, and partners
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Society and Social Affairs

  • Projects for corporate social responsibility
  • Information security
  • Data protection

Syntax Code of Conduct:
Business Success and Values in Balance

Ethical standards are the foundations of Syntax’ business practices all over the world – and for us they are just as important as economic success. Syntax’ Code of Conduct describes the cornerstones of our corporate culture. In this set of rules, which is binding for all employees, Syntax has defined the principles according to which cooperation with business partners, employees and society is based. Issues such as equal opportunities, inclusion, work-life balance, compliance, and data protection are always at the top of our agenda.


Promotion of Education: Corporate Social Responsibility Program at Syntax

At Syntax, high priority is also given to education. This applies to our direct employees as well as to society in general. In order to actively promote education, the company launched a Corporate Social Responsibility Program in 2020. This program gives Syntax employees a framework for sustainable social commitment. Locally, regionally, and globally, and on a voluntary basis, they make their own contribution to better educational opportunities.

Targeted initiatives, annual service day events, financial resources and the development of communities help children with difficult starting conditions to find their place in society. The projects include the Syntax Service Week, in which employees are given time for voluntary activities. The mentoring program “KinderHelden” (Child Heroes) supports elementary school children, and the „Wissensfabrik” (Knowledge Factory) offers hands-on projects on MINT topics along the entire educational chain.

Girl Power at Syntax: Women in Tech

Diversity and equal opportunities are among the cornerstones of the corporate culture at Syntax. “Women in Tech” is an internal initiative, currently available to employees in North America (USA, Canada) as well as India and Mexico, which specifically promotes female employees – and is organized entirely by women. A platform coordinates mentoring, the exchange of ideas and the promotion of the female workforce across all areas of the company. The aim is to better establish women as Thought Leaders in the technology sector and to enable them to develop successfully at Syntax – with a positive impact on the entire company.

The purpose of this program is to work together to remove hurdles faced in particular by women. Activities include monthly training sessions and round tables, guest speakers, virtual business lunches, participation in the Women Impact Tech (WIT) conference, mentoring and leadership sessions and presence at industry events.


UN Global Compact

Syntax is a member of the UN Global Compact – and aligns its business strategy and goals with the ten principles of this initiative. In doing so, we undertake to report on specific measures, to ensure that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) does not remain an empty promise.

Microsoft Act to Accelerate Partner Pledge

Technology permeates all major areas of our lives. Therefore, being an IT company means taking responsibility for issues that affect society as a whole. Microsoft builds on the diversity of the partner network. By voluntarily signing the Act to Accelerate Partner Pledge, together with Microsoft, we are promoting sustainable development in the five key areas of innovation, trust, culture, sustainability and empowerment. With this we are laying the foundation to positively shape the future as a company in the coming years.