Cloud, at the heart of digital strategies

Digital transformation is now a strategic priority for recovering from the crisis generated by the pandemic and a challenge for many organizations. The technology budgets earmarked for digitizing processes and business models will not be reduced, and a significant part will be devoted to migrating systems and platforms to the cloud. Knowing how to do this and choosing the right IT partners will be critical to the success of the projects.

The pandemic has disrupted many plans and has been the cause of many problems that required a response from all areas, including the enterprise. In order to cope with the challenging situation, most organizations have accelerated their digital transformation, generating unprecedented demand for touchless applications, remote work-enabling solutions and collaboration systems, and cloud solutions.

This point of no return will lead, according to data from analyst firm IDC, to 65% of the world’s GDP being digitized by 2022. The global economy remains firmly on its digital path and, as a result, investments in direct digital transformation will reach the $6.8 trillion mark between 2020 and 2023.

Digitization is now perceived as the key to rethinking business processes, being agile, innovating, gaining efficiency and streamlining IT costs, and that means more integration, more automation and a redefinition of IT architectures and models. It is here, obviously, where cloud fits in as a base technology that enables all the change that is being addressed.

This need to advance digital strategies is clearly being seen in the increase in cloud migrations of critical systems. At Syntax, who are specialists in moving SAP environments to the AWS cloud, we are witnessing an increased demand and also the concern of companies about which route to choose in their evolution to the cloud.

Whichever path is chosen, depending on the needs of each organization, our role as a specialist in this type of migration is to ensure that they are as simple and effective as possible, and for this, automation is the answer in most cases.

Having a partner that can leverage the automation capabilities of AWS and follow best practices when moving to the cloud will help optimize SAP projects on AWS, reduce project costs, and shorten project duration from months to weeks.

Based on these premises, Syntax has organized, together with experts from SAP and AWS, a webinar, which can be accessed at this link on how to optimize SAP workloads when migrating to the AWS cloud.

And if you want to learn more about how we design the most suitable roadmap for each customer, you can access our migration services or contact our experts.