JD Edwards provides two main types of Financial Integrity reports, Batch Header reports and General Ledger reports. The Batch Header reports locate problems in the batches and the corresponding detail. The General Ledger (G/L) reports reviews transactions within a Company, Intercompany Settlement, or Account Balances to Detail; and compares the Account Master F0901 to the Business Unit (BU) Master F0006, Account Balances F0902, and the Account Ledger F0911.
You can also utilize five subsidiary integrity reports: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets, Inventory and Payroll. These reports compare each subsystem to the General Ledger. In addition to integrity reports, beginning with EnterpriseOne (E1) 9.2, some financial integrities can be run in real time to fix issues.
General Ledger Integrity Reports
- Companies in Balance (G0922, R097001): This is the primary report that identifies an out-of-balance condition exists. It compares all postings on a single company. Amount should balance to zero. Out-of-balance conditions will be shown for current year, prior year, and future periods.
- Intercompany Accounts in Balance (G0922, R097011): This report balances the machine generated intercompany accounts with one another. All these accounts, system wide, should net to zero. The report verifies the intercompany settlement accounts are in balance.
- Intercompany Accounts in Balance – Interactive (G09221, P097001): This is the interactive application that identifies an out-of-balance condition exists. It compares all postings on a single company. Amount should balance to zero. Out-of-balance conditions will be shown for current year, prior year, and future periods.
- Accounts Without Business Units (G0922, R097041): – Lists records (Accounts) in the F0901 file with Business Unit and Company discrepancies. Also, it can update the F0901 from the F0006 BU Master.
- Accounts Without Business Units – Interactive (G09221, P097041): This is the interactive version of the R097041 described above and it lists records (Accounts) in the F0901 file with Business Unit and Company discrepancies. Also, it can update the F0901 from the F0006 BU Master.
- Account Balance Without Account Master (G0922, R097031): Compares Object Accounts in the F0901 file to the Balances in the F0902 file.
- Account Balance Without Account Master – Interactive (G09221, P097031): This is the interactive application of the R097031 and compares Object Accounts in the F0901 file to the Balances in the F0902 file.
- Transactions Without Account Master (G0922, R097021): Compares Object Accounts in the F0901 file to the Transactions in the F0911 file.
- Transactions Without Account Master – Interactive (G09221, P097021): This is the interactive application of the R097021 and compares Object Accounts in the F0901 file to the Transactions in the F0911 file.
- Account Balance to Transactions (G0922, R09705): Compares Detail Transactions in the F0911 file to the Account Balance in the F0902 file on a period-by-period basis.
- Global Update BU/OBJ/SUB to F0902/F0911 from F0901 (G09316, R09806): In the Chart of Accounts, this report updates obsolete values (Business Unit, Object Account and Subsidiary) in the Account Balances and Account Ledger tables to the current values.
- Financial Integrity Work-Table Purge (G09316, R007013): Use the Financial Integrity Worktable Purge to purge records from all the worktables in the interactive integrity programs.
Batch Header Integrity Reports
- Unposted Batches (G0922, R007011): Displays all un-posted batches as “non-posted” regardless of the reason.
- Company by Batch Out of Balance (G0922, R09706): Displays all out of balance issues for each company within each batch.
- Company by Batch Out of Balance – Interactive (G09221, P09706): This is the interactive version of the R09706. It displays all out of balance issues for each company within each batch. This is normally used as part of an issue follow-up, this report provides details once an out of balance condition is identified.
- Transactions to Batch Headers (G0922, R007021): This report compares the F0011 Batch Header file to the F0413 Batch Header Records file. It also shows transaction records without a batch header record and unposted transactions with a batch status of “D” (posted).
- Transactions to Batch Header – Interactive (G09221, P0072131): Use the Transactions to Batch Headers program to identify discrepancies between batch records in the F0011 table and its associated transactions in the F0911, F03B11, F03B13, F03B14, F0411, F0413, and F0414 tables. The Transactions to Batch Headers program displays a record count of the number of transaction detail records that have a status difference from the header record. You can review the transaction details by selecting a record to navigate to the applicable program.
- Batch to Detail & Out of Balance (G0922, R007031): This report displays all posted batches that are Out of Balance. It also has the update capability to delete batch header records with no detail records or update the batch status to “D” (posted) if the detail records all show posted.
- Batch Out of Balance (R007032): This report allows the user to review batches in which the net amount is not zero.
- Batch Out of Balance – Interactive (G09221, P007032): This is the interactive version of R007032. This application allows the user to review batches in which the net amount is not zero.
Accounts Payable Integrity Reports
- A/P Original Document to G/L by Batch (G0421, R04701): This report displays the posted A/P ledger F0411 amounts and the corresponding posted Account Ledger F0911 amounts by batch and tests for any differences. It also shows any invalid pay status conditions for each record within an A/P batch. It uses the Supplier/Customer Totals by Account report (R09450) as an additional verification tool.
- R09450 – Supplier / Customer Totals by Account: Use this report to review G/L account detail information and totals by supplier from the Account Ledger table (F0911).
- A/P Payments to G/L by Batch (G0421, R04702A): Locates possible integrity problems in the payment’s records. Note, it only reviews posted payments.
- A/P to G/L by Offset Account (G0421, R047001A): This report displays open (posted) A/P Ledger F0411 amounts and the corresponding A/P control offset account amounts in the Account Balances File F0902.
- A/P Payments to A/P w/Update (G0421, R04713): Run this report to compare the payment amounts in the F0414 table to the posted or unposted payment amounts for the batch that exist in the F0411 table.
Accounts Receivable Integrity Reports
- A/R to G/L by Batch (G03B21, R03B701): This reports shows the posted A/R ledger F03B11 amounts and the corresponding posted Account Ledger F0911 amounts by batch and tests for any differences. It also shows any invalid pay status conditions for each record within an A/R batch.
- A/R to G/L by Offset Account (G03B21, R03B707): Displays open (posted) A/R Ledger F03B11 amounts and the corresponding A/P control offset account amounts in the Account Balances File F0902.
- A/R to G/L Receipts (G03B21, R890911BI): This report verifies that each batch of posted records in the F03B14 table is in balance with the corresponding G/L receipt amounts in the F0911 table and with the automatic entry (AE) record to the A/R trade account. Only discrepancies are reported.
- A/R Receipts Header to G/L (G03B21, R890911CI): This is a pre conversion integrity report. In proof mode, this report compares records in the F03B13 table to the F0911 table and prints differences on a report. In final mode, this report creates an adjusting amount in the F0911 table to balance to the F03B13 table.
- A/R Invoices to G/L (G03B21, R890911AI): This is a pre conversion integrity report. In proof mode, this report compares records in the F03B11 table with the F0911 table and prints differences on a report. In final mode, update F0911 only, this report creates an adjusting amount in the F0911 table to balance to the F03B11 table.
Fixed Asset Integrity Reports
- Fixed Assets to G/L Integrity (G1224, R127011): Compares balance records in the Fixed Assets Item Balances File F1202 to the General Ledger Account Balances File F0902.
- Unposted to F/A Transactions (G1224, R12301): This report displays a list of all transactions that have been posted to the General Accounting System but have not yet been posted to Fixed Assets.
- Fixed Asset Transaction Integrity/Report (G1224, R127012): Reports a detail list of all transaction records from the F0911 Account Ledger for an account in the current year. Like a detail G/L report, this report is normally used to investigate outages.
- G/L to Fixed Assets Integrity (G1224, R127013): Compares the General Ledger Account Balances File to balance records in the Fixed Assets Item Balances File.
Inventory Integrity Reports
- Item Ledger/Account Integrity Report (G41111, R41543): Shows discrepancies that exist between the Item Ledger File F4111 and the Account Ledger F0911
- Item Balance/Ledger Integrity Report (G41111, R41544): Compares the Item Ledger File F4111 to the Item Balance File F41021. Shows variance in amounts, quantities, or both.
Payroll Integrity Reports
- Tax History Integrity Report (G07BUSP3, R077011): Identify errors in your Tax History table (F06136).
- PDBA Integrity Report (G07BUSP3, R077021): Identify errors in the Employee Transaction History Summary table (F06146).
Run these two reports during the Final Update process of every payroll.
Typical Causes of JD Edwards Integrity Issues
There are many reasons why integrity issues can arise within JD Edwards. See below for the most common.
- Power outages or interruptions – causing a temporary stoppage of the process.
- User interventions / job cancellations / errors – a user starts the process and then cancels it, causing errors.
- System failures – time outs, program failures, etc… which are causing errors.
- Out-of-Balance batches – a batch was posted out-of-balance in error. (The batch override setting was changed to allow the batch to post out-of-balance).
- Partial postings – a batch of journal entries is partially posted due to a computer failure or power failure.
- Incorrect company numbers – the company was changed on a business unit record but the relevant tables were not updated.
- Missing Batch headers – transaction entries do not have batch headers and the batch cannot be posted.
- Invalid accounts – an unposted batch contains an invalid account and the batch cannot be posted.
- Incorrect editing codes – a manual journal entry was entered to an intercompany account. (Intercompany accounts should be assigned a posting edit code “M” to allow machine generated entries only (doc type AE).
- Single-threaded job queues – ensure that you post transactions using a single-threaded job queue. (It can cause issues if multiple applications access a record simultaneously).
There are two things that need to happen during the month to ensure your files in the general ledger and subledger systems are in balance. The first is to make sure all general ledger transaction files are posted, both in the GL and the subsystem. The second is to make sure that the companies within the trial balance file are balanced. It is recommended to run JD Edwards integrity reports or interactive applications throughout the month to catch any errors before month end, giving you more time to analyze errors and determine the required corrections.
If you have the financials set up correctly, the general ledger file and trial balance should stay in sync and in balance, allowing you to complete efficient, error-free month end closes.