ais surface test jd edwards

Choosing the Best Tool for an AIS Surface Test in JD Edwards

Once you have your Application Interface Services (AIS) server configured, running without errors, and you are able to login to Orchestrator Studio you will want to test the REST API from outside of JD Edwards. It’s best to have the system as clean as possible before turning it over to anyone, especially your Development Team.

However, depending on someone else to perform this testing is not ideal. You never know someone else’s process or what tools they will use to perform the test. There are several tools that can be used to test REST APIs, but the most common are SoapUI and Postman. They are both great and fairly easy to use. However, both have a slight learning curve that will require you to take some time to understand.

Usually, when testing anything, it’s best to error on the side of “the simple tool is the better tool”. With that in mind, what is simpler than a command line tool?

Which is why I recommend cURL, an open source software that is used to transfer data using URLs. Essentially, it is a command line tool to get data from the internet. Feed it a URL and it spits back the results in plain text (JSON, XML, HTML, etc.).

cURL is standard in most Linux distributions and there are release packages for almost every operating system… Yes, even Windows. Once installed, cURL is relatively easy to use. However, there are a ton of possibilities with this little tool, enough to fill a free 400 page book, (Everything curl).

The command used to do a quick surface test on AIS is below. This short, simple command will request a JSON formatted list of all the Orchestrations available.

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -k 
https://server:port/jderest/discover -d 

That’s it. If you get back clean results, your AIS server is ready to be used by your Development Team.

As a bonus, to test the AdminService API and clear all the caches on the AIS server, run the command below:

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -k 
https://server:port/jderest/adminservice -d 

The AIS server, Orchestrations, and the other REST APIs that are available within the JDE system are very powerful. Businesses are using them to increase their ROI on their ERP investment by increasing the efficiencies of their business processes. By ensuring that your AIS server is ready for your Development Team, you are doing your part to improve their efficiency to make those improvements happen.

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