Workflow is a power piece of JD Edwards functionality. It offers a powerful means of automating the life cycle of various business processes. Documents, information, and action messages can be configured to pass automatically from one task to the next. For example:
- Route a work order for approval.
- Run the capacity plan for a work order.
- Send messages to appropriate personnel regarding the progress of a work order.
Some workflow processes are shipped with the software and any number of additional processes can be created.
Unfortunately, many of these workflow processes are enabled by default. Many can be enabled without causing issues even though you may not use them. However, it’s a good idea to disable them, if not being used.
How do you disable Workflow processes?
There are two methods to deactivate workflow processes:
- From Process Master (P98800), use the row exit Change Status to change an active workflow process to an inactive status.
- From Object Management Workbench-OMW(P98220), Workflow Design, on the Design Tools tab, select the Change Workflow Status button.
Workflow processes are used in many JDE business processes. However, not all of them are able to be enabled/disabled using the methods above. They are Applications, UBEs & Business Functions that utilize the workflow system functions such as: Start Process, Send Message, Send Message Extended or Update Process Attribute.
These can be found by using the R9000090|XJDE0001, to get a list of where any of the functions above are used. This report can use Data Selection for example (where SY = the financials’ system code) to run only against Financial objects. For example, the resulting report below was created using the Data Selection SY=42.
You can see that there are several entries in the N4201430. If these were causing issues, they may need to be disabled programmatically if there are no Processing Options to do so.
For more information on JDE EnterpriseOne Workflows, see Oracle Support Doc 1329683.1